A Journey Continues


Like all of us, I am on a journey. For me a huge part of it is about looking at issues related to identity and power – race, gender, class, sexuality, religion, nationality, and more. It is about looking at my particular position in society (white, cishet, Jewish man…) and how I leverage that to create and support positive change. I know I am far from perfect and I know I will continue on this journey for my entire life. I don’t expect all the work to be done, but I am trying to do my part.

As I launch my new website, I am reflecting on the work that we need to do to create a world that is healthy, safe, and just. And I am reflecting on all the ways that I hope to be of service in those efforts. My plan for this blog to periodically share about my work, my perspective on various articles I come across that relate to this work, excerpts from a book I am writing (did I just put that out publicly?), and who knows what else.

I believe we are at a crossroads. As someone who has been exploring masculinities (professionally) for close to four decades I see a shifting tide. Lots of folks are seeking how to counter the impact of toxic expressions of masculinity. Many more white folks are understanding we have to work with other white folks to do our part to dismantle white supremacy (as we follow the lead of BIPOC folks). And as is so often the case, young people are showing us the future, a future I want to support.

Specific to work in masculinities, to steal from Shakespeare “one man in his time plays many parts.” In reaching out to men of all ages, I am curious. Which parts, which roles and scripts do we want to keep, which do we want to edit, and which we want to eliminate completely? We can ask, as Shakespeare might, do we want to strut and fret our hour upon the stage with a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, or do they want a life of meaning and depth? Do they/we want to follow someone else’s scripts, or do we want to write our own stories?

I’m all in on the latter.

#healthymasculinity #antiracism #dismantlewhitesupremacy #masculinitywithresponsibility

