
“That’s not what guys are supposed to do.”

This morning I was doing a leadership and dialogue DEI program with a group of high school students. We have been engaging with each other for a few weeks. The topic was race, racism, and bystander intervention. I asked if any of them had been having conversations about the Atlanta murders. One young man of Asian descent said he only had conversations with his family. His mother told them all to be careful, to be vigilant. I asked if any


A Journey Continues

Welcome Like all of us, I am on a journey. For me a huge part of it is about looking at issues related to identity and power – race, gender, class, sexuality, religion, nationality, and more. It is about looking at my particular position in society (white, cishet, Jewish man…) and how I leverage that to create and support positive change. I know I am far from perfect and I know I will continue on this journey for my entire